Climate Change

Climate change disproportionately affects marginalized communities who are often the least responsible for its causes. Recognizing the need for an equitable and just transition, building resilience to mitigate the effects of climate change becomes pivotal

In 2020, the Marginalized Group Action Network (MAGAN) collaborated with community members to establish a water pond in Baliga Maxamed Daud Village, Sabo Wanaag District. This community-driven initiative aimed to alleviate the water shortage in the village and improve the overall well-being of its residents.

Addressing water scarcity: Baliga Maxamed Daud Village has been grappling with water scarcity, which has had a significant impact on the daily lives of its residents. The establishment of a water pond provides a sustainable solution to this issue by collecting and storing water for the community's use.

  1. Community participation and empowerment: MAGAN, in collaboration with community members, took the lead in spearheading this project. By involving the local community, the initiative aimed to empower residents and foster a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the water pond.

  2. Sustainable water management: The water pond serves as a reliable water source for the village, helping to mitigate the effects of water shortage during dry seasons or periods of low rainfall. The project also promotes responsible water management practices to ensure the long-term sustainability of the water pond.

  3. Improved access to clean water: The water pond provides a centralized location for collecting and distributing clean water to the community. This improves access to safe drinking water and reduces the reliance on distant water sources, which may be contaminated or difficult to access.

  4. Enhancing community resilience: The establishment of the water pond strengthens the community's resilience in the face of water scarcity. It enables the village to better cope with future challenges, such as droughts or emergencies, by ensuring a more consistent and accessible water supply.

MAGAN, along with community members, collaborated closely with local authorities and other relevant stakeholders to successfully establish the water pond. This collaborative effort not only addresses the immediate water shortage but also promotes community development and resilience in Baliga Maxamed Daud Village.